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Our Values

Respect - we are inclusive to all within our community and understanding of different beliefs, values and faiths.

Resilience – we maintain our positive attitude when facing challenges.

Innovation – we find better solutions by using our imagination and creativity.

Empathy –  we show understanding for other people’s feelings and views.

Integrity – we are always honest and remain true to our principles.


FCVS Strategy and Drivers

Vision Statement:

  • Our happy children are self-confident risk takers who are excited about their learning and challenge themselves.
  • Our children are open minded and appreciate diversity in their community and beyond. They understand the world and their place within it.
  • Our children are ready for the next stage of their lives and prepared to fully embrace future opportunities
  • Parents are engaged with staff who are empowered to inspire themselves, the children and the community.
  • Our quality learning environment supports and encourages ambitious progress across all subjects with each child offered enriched experiences


  • Drivers for Teaching