Please click on the following links to view the performance tables:-
End of year results 2024
Early Years:
60% of children achieved a Good Level of Development at the end of Reception.
Key Stage 1:
58% of Year 1 children met the expected standard in the Year 1 Phonics Screening.
End of KS1 Teacher Assessment Results (non-statutory, so national results no longer published):
% Achieving Expected Standard |
% Achieving Higher Standard |
Reading |
49% |
22% |
Writing |
49% |
8% |
Maths |
53% |
20% |
Key Stage 2:
End of KS2 SATs Results:
% Achieving Expected Standard |
% Achieving Higher Standard |
School meeting or exceeding expected standard |
National meeting or exceeding expected standard |
Reading |
48% |
44% |
92% |
74% |
44% |
25% |
69% |
72% |
Maths |
54% |
35% |
90% |
73% |
End of KS2 Teacher Assessments:
% Achieving Expected Standard |
% Achieving Higher Standard |
School meeting or exceeding expected standard |
National meeting or exceeding expected standard |
Writing |
75% |
2% |
77% |
72% |
Science |
90% |
90% |
81% |
End of KS2 combined Reading, Writing and Maths:
73% of children met the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths combined (National Average 61%)
2% were above in expected in reading, writing and maths combined.