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School uniform is optional but is worn by the majority of children.

BOYS Winter Grey tailored trousers, white polo shirt with the school logo, red sweatshirt with the school logo. Black shoes and plain, ankle socks (white, grey or black).

As above with the option of grey tailored shorts. Sun hat or cap.

GIRLS Winter

Grey skirts, pinafore dresses or tailored trousers, white polo shirt with the school logo, red sweatshirt or red cardigan with the school logo. Black shoes and knee length socks or tights in school colours.  Sun hat or cap.

  Summer As above with the option of red/white checked dresses and ankle socks in school colours (not trainer socks).

T shirt, shorts and plimsolls in a drawstring bag.  

Note - Nursery children do not require P.E. kit.

    FOREST             SCHOOL   Waterproof trousers and jacket, wellingtons
 BOOKBAGS      Every child must have a school book bag - no other type of school bag is permitted.
   School book bags and PE bags can be purchased directly from the school.

Children are required to change their shoes when inside, parents who do not wish their children to wear plimsolls for this purpose should provide indoor shoes.

With the exception of stud earrings, jewellery should not be worn. It can be a hazard and can be easily lost.

Year Two children are allowed to wear watches.

Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, T shirts and outdoor fleeces with the school logo can be purchased from  Book bags, P.E. bags and forest school waterproofs can be purchased from the school office.

Please mark all clothing clearly with your child’s name so that it can be returned easily.


We very much value parental support in ensuring that all our children wear the correct school uniform. The school colours are bright red, grey, black and white.  All clothing and footwear brought into school must be named, so that it can be identified and returned when lost.


BOYS Winter Grey tailored trousers, white shirts (long or short sleeved), ties (linked to the relevant House colour),v-necked red sweatshirts with school logo. Black shoes and plain, ankle socks (white, grey or black).

As above with the option of grey tailored shorts.


GIRLS Winter Grey skirts, pinafore dresses, tailored trousers, shorts (long), white blouses, ties (linked to the relevant House colour), v-necked red sweatshirts or red cardigans with the schoo logo. Black shoes and knee length socks or tights in school colours.
  Summer As above with the option of red/white checked dresses and ankle socks in school colours (not trainer socks).
FOOTWEAR ALL Black shoes should be worn to school with children being allowed to change into “trainers” at playtimes. We discourage fashion footwear and hope that boots will only be worn when the weather dictates, but should be changed into shoes in school. For safety reasons we do not allow footwear that is not properly laced up.

 A PE polo shirt, with the school logo, representing the House to which the child belongs plus navy shorts/skorts and white ankle socks and a navy tracksuit (an optional navy tracksuit with the school logo is available). Trainers (worn throughout the year) and shin pads are advisable for the winter months. Black plimsolls required for indoor P.E. PE kit must be stored in a named PE bag (no rucksacks).
school matches a team uniform will be provided.

BOOKBAGS      Every child must have a school book bag - no other type of school bag is permitted.
   School book bags and PE bags can be purchased directly from the school.

Acceptable forms of jewellery may include one or more of the following:

  •  A set of earrings; these being plain gold/silver studs only.
  •  A watch.
  •  A small religious symbol.
  • all items of acceptable jewellery are to be removed for P.E. (earrings to be taped if they cannot be removed). Earrings must be removed for swimming.
HAIR       Hair of shoulder length or longer is to be worn tied back as a health and safety measure.        Ribbons, clips, bands and ‘scrunchies’ are to be of school colours (grey, red, black or              white).           
   Unusual colouring or extreme hairstyles are unacceptable (nothing less than a                          grade/number 2 hairstyle).
MOBILE              PHONES   We do discourage children bringing mobile phones into school. If they are required, they should always be handed in to Reception.

In school, pupils should not wear smart watches which allow them to access the internet, social media, messaging or phones.

OTHER                ITEMS      The following miscellaneous items are unacceptable: nail polish, make-up, anklets and            friendship bands.

School sweatshirts and cardigans are available online from and the PE uniform and ties can be purchased directly from the school (please make payments via ParentMail Other items of uniform on the above list can be purchased from other stores.