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Knowledge Organisers​​​​​​​

Topic - Create (Art, DT, Music, Drama) - Summer Term

This term, our Create topic is ‘Opposites’, which we will be exploring through Art, DT, Music and Drama alongside our core curriculum. In Science, we will conclude our work on Animals including Humans, focusing on Staying Healthy through exercise, hygiene and eating a balanced diet. We will then move on to our new topic on Materials. 

Topic - Explore (Geography) - Spring Term

This term, our Explore topic is ‘What a Wonderful World!’, which is Geography based. Our big question is ‘What makes Earth so diverse?’ and our key concept is ‘Respect’. We will explore the seven continents, the five oceans and the different climate zones around the world. In Science, we will continue our work on Living Things and their Habitats, focusing on macrohabitats and how the animals there have adapted to survive. 

Topic - Discover (History) - Autumn Term

The Great Fire of London is one of the most well-known disasters in London's history and in this topic the children will discover the facts in a fun and interactive way. From watching a mock bakery burn in the forest, to putting out fake flames with water squirts and leather buckets; the children will learn key information while gaining a message of community. The way it shaped and rebuilt London in 1666 and the relevance of community in our lives now.


Design and Technology

